Dashboard - Select Your Course.

Python Basics

Python Basics

If you are new to programming and want to get started, this is the best course for you. Start Learning Python Today!.

Game Development

Game Development

Playing games is good, but making games is more awesome. Dive into this short course and build a simple famous 2D Game!.

Python Databases

Python Databases

Databases are very common in the internet and day-to-day applications. Learn how to setup and manipulate databases using the popular SQL syntax!.

Machine Learning Basics

Machine Learning Basics

Heard of Artificial Intelligence? Build your own simple Machine Learning models in this mind-blowing tutorial course..

Electronics Projects

Electronics Projects

This Section includes Projects that I have recently build and found Interesting enough to share. (More Projects Coming Soon!).

Software Projects

Software Projects

These Software Projects Range from Easy to Complex and will look great in a Developer's Portfolio.